APG Blog

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Stay informed and educated with a collection of interesting articles, news snippets and contributions from the plumbing, gasfitting, drainlaying and roofing industries.

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Serious illegal gasfitting

Serious illegal gasfitting

The Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board (PGDB) has issued a press release highlighting another conviction for illegal gasfitting work. By law, all gas installations must be performed by personnel authorised by PGDB. In this particular case, the illegal...

Santa’s only human too!

Santa’s only human too!

Those long drives to your holiday destination can be fraught with peril... "are we there yet?", "I feel sick", "I need to go to the...". But these journeys are only brief compared to the one made by a bearded bloke in a red suit. Our latest radio advert tells of when...

‘Tis the season – be prepared…

‘Tis the season – be prepared…

Chronic gas, dodgy bathing habits? Our latest radio jingle advises us all to be prepared for the potential onslaught of visitors over the festive season - installing extra plumbing facilities just may be the answer to a joyous Christmas. Click below to listen...

October’s “six of the worst”

In a press release, the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board reports that a 29 October 2014 judgment has seen another Auckland man convicted and fined $4,050, plus court costs and solicitor’s fees for carrying out illegal work. This brings the number of...

Unauthorised plumbing work

Unauthorised plumbing work

A Coromandel man was fined $1,800 in the Thames District Court after a building inspection at a home in Thames revealed that he was unauthorised to carry out certain plumbing work. The questionable work included extending the water supply pipework to a bath, shower,...