There is a Māori whakataukī (proverb)…
He aha te mea nui o te ao
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people
This serves as a gentle reminder that the driver of success, in family, in life, and in business, is people — those around us and our relationships with them.
Recently, Yellow – best known for the famous Yellow Pages, but now also a leading-edge digital advertising agency – selected Auckland Plumbers Group to showcase some of the outstanding outcomes they are achieving for their customers. We are delighted that we have been given the opportunity to share the terrific results we are achieving with Yellow.
We are delighted to assist Yellow with their initiative as it is always a privilege to give back as well as receive, but also to celebrate the fantastic partnership that Auckland Plumbers Group and Yellow have developed over nearly ten years.
At Auckland Plumbers Group partnerships are part of our DNA. We know that everything good comes because of business partnerships and collaboration. Like charity, partnerships start at home. Our foundation is ‘Team APG’, the relationships we have with our individual team members, and the relationships they have with each other. The A(PG) team!
Then, at our centre, we work tirelessly to nurture and enrich the relationships we enjoy with our wonderful clients… striving to understand their businesses and properties, and anticipating their needs.
In the same way, our partnerships with our awesome, supportive suppliers are fundamental to our capability to meet and exceed our clients’ expectations. From the supply of plumbing and gasfitting merchandise to the provision of training and, in the case of Yellow, marketing – all our supply partners are an integral part of ‘Team APG’.
So, we say to the entire team at Yellow, thank you for the insights and impact you bring to our business. Thank you for taking the time to get beside us and for walking a mile in our shoes. In short – thank you for the partnership we enjoy together. Without our relationship we would not have achieved what we have.
To anyone looking for an impactful, integrated marketing and advertising strategy, we say, “talk to Yellow”.
Read the New Zealand Herald article here.